Important Changes to Payment Summaries
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has announced changes to the way employees receive their Earnings Information.
Single Touch Payroll (STP) is a new way for employers to report income, tax and super information, and is being rolled out nationally.
As of 1 July 2019, Payment Summaries – which will now be called an Income Statement – will only be available online directly from the ATO via a MyGov account. Payment summaries will no longer be available from the ATO.
In order to access your Income Statement, all employees need a MyGov account.
If you don’t already have a MyGov account, you are encouraged to create one as soon as possible so that you are ready when it comes time to complete your tax return.
Find out how to create a MyGov account here.
A summary of these changes and how they impact you can be found here.
GFA will not be able to issue paper Payment Summaries, this will only be able to be obtained from the ATO.
If you have any questions, please contact the ATO for further information.
Thank you!
GFA Accountants & Business Advisors
Suite 10, 1 The Esplanade Mt Pleasant WA 6153
[email protected]